This week we nerd out on Asparagus, a vegetable that demands a farmer’s undivided attention and signals winter has come to an end (available February-June). $8.99 per pound? My jaw dropped when I saw the price tag next to the gorgeous bundle of organic Full Belly Farm asparagus at my local Star Grocery. To buy or not to buy was the question. I always look forward to sampling what I write about. But with the current pandemic and uncertain future, this felt like a nice to have and not a must have. On the other hand, it’s not just about me. It’s also about supporting small businesses and farms around me.
This week we nerd out on Asparagus, a vegetable that demands a farmer’s undivided attention and signals winter has come to an end (available February-June). $8.99 per pound? My jaw dropped when I saw the price tag next to the gorgeous bundle of organic Full Belly Farm asparagus at my local Star Grocery. To buy or not to buy was the question. I always look forward to sampling what I write about. But with the current pandemic and uncertain future, this felt like a nice to have and not a must have. On the other hand, it’s not just about me. It’s also about supporting small businesses and farms around me.